Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn look forward to spending their mornings with you. They hope that for you, like them, it's an every day thing.Full Bio


195 Nightmare! RIDOT Info

It's a mess and my guess, it's the tip of the iceberg. We live in a time where, " As long as it lasts till I'm out of office or I'm out of the corner office...who cares?!" The bridge had to be shut down immediately after a report showed that it was planning to collapse at any time (it's amazing it hadn't already happened. Steel rods sheared, concrete crumbling, no possible alternative route that wouldn't create enormous issues. I wish I was more shocked but Rhode Island has always handled infrastructure poorly. Whether graft or incompetence, this bridge is just the poster boy for what's to come. Check out the RIDOT report here. This will be screwing up travel throughout Souther New England regardless of where you're heading. It's another in the long list of embarrassments for RI.

the structure of the bridge girder on the toll road

Photo: sulistianto / iStock / Getty Images

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