Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn look forward to spending their mornings with you. They hope that for you, like them, it's an every day thing.Full Bio


Turn-Offs You'd Dump Someone Over - Doug & Jenn

EVERYONE has a "deal-breaker" or two. A Deal-Breaker is something you just refuse to put up with in a relationship. And in this case, these are relatively simple and highly specific turn-offs we'd dump someone over.

In a recent poll, people were asked what their deal-breakers might be and the answers are all over the place. They're also, in some cases, super specific. For example if you clap when your plane lands, if you talk too loudly, if you talk about yourself in the third person or speak in a baby voice too often (what necessitates "too often" here was not specified).

On today's podcast, Doug & Jenn discuss!

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