Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn look forward to spending their mornings with you. They hope that for you, like them, it's an every day thing.Full Bio


NASA Just Slammed a Spacecraft into an Asteroid. Check Out the Video!

NASA launched the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft directly at an asteroid. The craft was traveling at 14,000 miles per hour as it hurdled into the asteroid which presented zero danger to us. In fact, this was the first of what is likely to be many tests like this. Essentially, the folks in the scientific community want to know if humans could redirect an asteroid that might some day pose a threat to earth. Or probably the moon too.

No conclusive evidence will be available for a few weeks, but scientists all around the world are watching and studying the effect of the collision.

Check out the impact below!

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