Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn look forward to spending their mornings with you. They hope that for you, like them, it's an every day thing.Full Bio


A Cure For Those People Who Can't Seem to Speak Softly While on the Phone!

You know how there are some people who don't keep their private phone conversations...private? Apparently this is an INTERNATIONAL problem. People all over the world are inconsiderate and have no way to keep their conversations quiet.

A company in Japan has now created the "Mutalk" which is a mashup of mute and talk. And essentially they claim that this device will help you keep your conversations to yourself.


By speaking into a box that appears to suction cup to your face (kinda).

Check out a demonstration of the new "Mutalk" below. Would you use it? Or just send it to all of the loud talkers in your life?

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