Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn

Doug & Jenn look forward to spending their mornings with you. They hope that for you, like them, it's an every day thing.Full Bio


No No No No...the Newest Optical Illusion Hurts Your Brain!

You are likely one of two types of people. Type 1 likes optical illusions. You're that person trying to cross your eyes to see the hidden picture in that weird poster in Spencer's Gifts. Type 2 can't stand them and you actively avoid anything that has to do with optical illusions all together!

If you're a Type's a new one for you. A Japanese Twitter user has created this new optical illusion and it's literally about to make your head spin.

The question is this: are these circles moving? It seems like an obvious answer...but you'd be surprised!

Go ahead...mess with your friends today & check this out!

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