Marie Kondohas become a household name thanks to her KonMari method of decluttering. The Japanese tidying expert has written bestsellers on the subject, has a Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” and a new show, “Sparking Joy,” that helps people use her decluttering technique not just on their homes, but on their entire lives.
Like the title implies, the core idea is to find out what “sparks joy” in your life, then caring for those things that are important to you.Sue Spencer,who trained with Kondo to become certified in her techniques, explains, “It generally starts with your home, but the focus on what sparks joy and really matters can’t help but spread into other areas of life.” The KonMari method follows a specific order for tidying, starting with clothes, then books, paperwork, miscellaneous and sentimental items come last. And after you tidy your physical possessions and your home is in order, you’re ready to apply that thinking to the rest of your life.
To declutter other areas of your life, begin by choosing what you love or what serves you practically in your life. If it sparks joy, “keep it with confidence.” If it doesn’t, “let it go with gratitude.”
- Your schedule is a good place to start- Look at what you do in a day to figure out if you’re making enough time for things that make you happy. Then identify the things that are necessary, but might not bring you joy, and think about what you would change about those if you could.
- A journal can help- Write down your ideal day that allows you to be joyful, productive and present, including time for self-care.
- Declutter your workspace- If you work from home, tidying and simplifying your office set-up may boost productivity and reduce stress. Displaying things you love and clearing clutter that used to hide them creates a more positive space.
- Apply these ideas to the rest of your life- Use the same criteria for relationships, work and social events to have more of what makes you happy and gives you a sense of wellbeing.
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