You see all kinds of things on Craigslist and one ad posted to the Hudson Valley’s Craiglist’s “Gigs” section was something straight out of a movie. The ad, posted by a bride-to-be, was seeking a weekend wedding date for her future mother-in-law for the nuptials in August.The pay?Sounds pretty good, but the work? Sounds like a handful!
“She needs constant attention and supervision,” the ad reads. “She will probably wear white and try to escalate small dramas – your job is simply to distract and de-escalate. Flatter her for 2 days and make an easy $1,000.” It also lists qualifications needed for the job, including being a “conversationalist,” a “good dancer” and having your own suit to wear. The ad also notes that the date must be “able to pretend you happen to be a guest interested in sitting/dancing with MIL” and here’s the kicker – “experience with narcissists a plus.”
But the right date for the job would get some perks beyond the thousand bucks, including food, travel expenses, and a hotel room. Plus, background info and conversation topics would be provided to get the ball rolling. And they may have already found the right person for the job because the ad has since been taken down.
Source:The Times Union
Photo Credit: Getty Images