How good are your kids (and your adults) at folding and putting away laundry? If you answered..."Kids...fold the laundry? Bwahahahahahahaha!" then you might want to hear what this woman has to say.
Courtney Bavis of New Brunswick, Canada uses bins instead of drawers and the clothes are just put in them. No fuss, no folding. Her toddlers can even help. The reality is, parents change their kids clothes multiple times a day, so why take the extra effort to make drawers look perfect?
Courtney claims in the video, that has been viewed millions of times, that this is giving people the stress relief they need. It's one thing to get the laundry gathered and's another thing to then fold and put away.
Check out Courtney's system below. Looks like this may be something you can put together with a few items from Ikea...and who doesn't love a trip to Ikea!