Scientists have got some new recordings from Mars, needing to some interesting discoveries. They already knew that sound traveled slower on Mars, but they found out that Mars has two sound barriers, one for treble and one for bass. Also, the found that higher pitched sounds would be heard before lower pitched sounds, so listening to music on Mars would be pretty trippy. Check out the new sounds they heard.
Researchers, focused here on earth, have also discovered that mushrooms can talk to one another! Basically, mushrooms that grow from the same root system, can communicate to the other mushrooms using electrical impulses, sort of like the neurons in our own body's communicating.
Scientists have estimated that the mushrooms know about 50 "words." How cool is that! I wonder what other plants communicate to each other, that we don't know about yet; maybe that's why they like it when we talk to them. Mushrooms also make beautiful music, it's so peaceful, enjoy.
Now, this isn't groundbreaking research, but it is really cool! The astronaut that was in on the International Space Station (ISS) for almost a year, did a fun experiment where he dissolved an effervescent tablet in a floating bubble of water. He added food coloring then the tablet, it's so fascinating to watch it dissolve in midair.