Who is excited for April's full moon, it called the Pink Moon, and we can see Saturday, April 16. Technically, she reaches peak at 2:55 in the afternoon, so Friday or Saturday night would be great to soak up some of the moon rays and maybe make yourself some full moon water.
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Like most other full moons, the Pink Moon's name was inspired by nature, specifically flowers, the moss pink/wild ground phlox to be exact. It's spring time and these are some of the first to bloom. The Pink Moon has also been called the Full Sprouting Grass moon, for obvious reasons; and has also been referred to as the Full Fish Moon because this time of year fish swim upstream to spawn. This first full moon of spring, aka the Paschal Full Moon, also determines what date Easter will fall on. It's celebrated the Sunday after the full moon, following the lunisolar calendar, which tracks both the moons phases and sun's position.
The Pink Moon is a great time for spiritual work too! It's perfect for setting intentions for courage, change, productivity, and new growth. It's a great time for progress, and innovation, maybe there is a project you need to finish or some spiritual work to do. Don't forget to trust your gut, because it's also a great time to tap into your intuition. And remember to keep it lighthearted, and be generous, no, that doesn't mean you have to go out and donate/spend money. Remember, a kind word costs you nothing. ✌️❤️😊
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The moon is l going to have a bunch of Planet friends visible in the sky with it this month. Uranus is hanging around the night sky until April 18th. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can be seen in the sky and on April 20th, they are all going to come into alignment, making a small plant parade! They will be visible to the naked eye I highly recommend using Google sky maps to help you track them down in the sky, Jupiter will be hanging out in Pisces, Mars and Venus will be in Aquarius, and Saturn in Capricornus. Plus, you can see other stars and constellations on the app.
Photo: Getty Images
Speaking of constellations, radiating out of the constellation Lyra next to the Vega star is the Lyrid meteor shower. If you happen to be to up on the morning of 22nd the Lyrid Meteor shower reaches its peak between 2-4 in the morning, you could see about 10-20 meteors making bright, swift streaks right above, in the sky. I should be awake and if the skies are clear, you bet I will take a gander. Lol
Happy Star Gazing!
More night sky info:
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