Boy bands, definitely one of my favorite things. I'd call them a guilty pleasure if I felt any guilt whatsoever about my love of boys bands, the harmonies for starters, then you add in the synchronized dance moves to a love song, and I am sold! You know the Backstreet Boys are my all-time favorite (btw they're coming to Xfinity Center) however I find myself loving the new generating of boy bands and 5 Seconds Of Summer had been my new fav, bringing us "Amnesia", "Want You Back", "Easier", and "Youngblood!" Now they give us "Complete Mess" which is ironic because I think I'm gonna be a complete mess until I find out the release date for their new album. lol We don't even have a title yet, but I will keep updated on that. Until then, enjoy the acoustic version of "Complete Mess."
Hey I'm Steph, the resident crazy cat mom, and I'm so excited to hang out with you, bring you laughter, new music along with the classics, and...Full Bio