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Happy Earth Hour Day!


Photo: Getty Images

Earth hour is tonight! If you're wondering what the heck that is, I've got all the details for you.

Earth hour is a worldwide movement started by the WWF. It happens on the last Saturday of March. For 1 hour tonight, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., everyone is encouraged to shut off all their non-essential lights, as a symbol of our commitment to the planet.

It originally started back in 2007 when they had a lights off event in Sydney, Australia, originally it was called "The Big Flick," I think that Earth Hour sounds better. lol

It really caught on in 2008 on the first anniversary, when 35 countries around the world participated in it, including about 16% of the US. As the years have gone on, more and more communities, businesses, and countries have participated. 2022 is the 15th anniversary of Earth hour, let's change climate change together! At 8:30 tonight shut off your lights that you don't need, maybe even some you do need and just like some candles instead. It's a perfect time to unplug from technology too; maybe shut off the TV, read a book, play a board game, or even meditate; it's the perfect time to do some inward reflecting, which is great for your mental health too.

Also, this year Earth hour day falls on live long and prosper day, the perfect day to help the world live long and prosper! Hopefully, this will serve as a reminder for everyone to conserve electricity going forward. Remember to shut off those non-essential lights at 8:30 tonight!

I hope they get some cool satellite images from space, of the whole world shutting off their lights; it would be a really cool way to see the whole world come together. For more info, check out this cool video.

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