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March brings us another fantastic full moon, on Friday the 18th. It's the Worm Moon, it gets its name from the earthworms, this is the time of year the ground starts to thaw and worm castings become visible, signaling the return of the robins. I thought I saw some weird brown stuff in the grass, but I wasn't sure what it was, looks like a mix of dirt and saw dust, but now we know. The Worm Moon has also been called the Seed Moon, Sap Moon, and Crust Moon.
Earthworm Castings, they're actually great fertilizer for the garden.Photo: Stephanie Dansereau
The Worm Moon is great for spiritual work as well. It is the perfect time to set hopeful intentions. It can bring inspiration, good luck, and even fertility. (Wink, wink) It's great for new growth, rebirth, motivation, optimism and purification; great night to break out the sage/incense and get to cleansing! I will be having a crystal cleansing party with the besties, and then I think we'll watch The Swan Princess. One of my friends hasn't seen it. It's one of my favorite movies, and it's underrated in my opinion.
Some of the other planets in our solar system are visible too this month!
Venus can be seen in the morning from January 7th until August 27th.
Jupiter is glowing in the sky mornings from March 26th to September 25th.
Saturn is morning buddies with Jupiter from February 22nd to August 13th.
Uranus is hanging out in the night sky for a few months until April 18th.
More night sky info