First and foremost,
It's Black History Month,
American Heart Month,
Also, Responsible Pet Owners Month and Spay/Neuter Awareness month, which goes hand in hand, or should I say paw in paw. LMFAO
February 1st:
National freedom Day
Chinese New Year
National get up day
National dark chocolate day
Decorating with Candy Day
February 2nd:
National tater tot day
Groundhog Day
Hedgehog day
Brown dog Day
February 3rd:
The Day the Music Died
National Golden Retriever Day
National Carrot Cake Day
February 4th:
National Thank a Mail Carrier Day
National Wear Red Day, also ironically...
Working Naked Day
National Homemade Soup Day
National Bubblegum Day
February 5th:
National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
National Shower With a Friend Day
Nutella Day
February 6th:
Bob Marley's Birthday
Pay a Compliment Day
National Frozen Yogurt Day
February 7th:
National Send a Card to a Friend Day
National Periodic Table Day
National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
February 8th:
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
National Boy Scout Day
National Kite Flying Day (might be a tad chilly here for that)
February 9th:
National Pizza Day
Chocolate Day
Read in the Bathtub Day
February 10th:
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
National Umbrella Day
February 11th:
National Latte Day
Satisfied Staying Single Day
National Make a Friend Day
National Guitar Day
February 12th:
National Freedom to Marry Day
Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
Safety Pup Day
National Plum Pudding Day
February 13th:
World Radio Day
Valentine's Day
World Marriage Day
National Internet Friends Day
National Apology Day
February 14th:
Valentine's Day
Read to Your Child Day
National Ferris Wheel Day
National Clean Out Your Computer Day
February 15th:
Singles Awareness Day (because we weren't aware yesterday?...🙄) lol
Susan B Anthony Day (unless you're Britta from Community, then it's Sophie B Hawkins day) 😂
National Gumdrop Day
Annoy Squidward Day
February 16th:
Innovation Day
National Almond Day
Do a Grouch a Favor Day
February 17th:
World Human Spirit Day
Random Act of Kindness Day
February 18th:
Pluto Day
National Battery Day
Thumb Appreciation Day
February 19th:
National Chocolate Mint Day
National Lash Day
February 20th:
World Day of Social Justice
National Muffin Day
National Get Comfy Day
National Handcuffs Day
National Cherry Pie Day
February 21st:
President's Day
Family Day
National Sticky Bun Day
February 22nd:
World Thinking Day
Be Humble Day
World Spay Day
National Margarita Day
February 23rd:
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
National Banana Bread Day
Play Tennis Day
Inconvenience Yourself Day
February 24th:
World Bartender Day
National Chili Day
National Tortilla Chip Day
National Toast Day
February 25th:
National Clam Chowder Day
National Skip the Straw Day
National Chocolate Cover Nuts Day
February 26th:
Carpe Diem Day
Tell a Fairy Tail Day
National Pistachio Day
For Pete's Sake, Day
February 27th:
National Pokémon Day
National Strawberry Day
National Protein Day
International Polar Bear Day
February 28th:
National Chocolate Souffle Day
International Sword Swallowing Day
National Public Sleeping Day
For even more silly holidays, check out
Photo by DANIEL MUNOZ/AFP via Getty Images