I’m a purist when it comes to Coca-Cola. I love the original, Classic Coke, preferably in a glass bottle. Some of the various Coke flavors I'm not too big on
Soon Coca-Cola will be releasing a brand new, permanent addition to their soft drink lineup. The new Coca-Cola ‘Spiced’ will make its debut in stores on February 19th, Spiced is the first new permanent flavor to come along in three years. They've introduced several limited-edition flavors of Coke, but this one is going to stick around for a while.
The new flavor is described as “a burst of refreshing Raspberry flavors and spiced notes.” Umm, I don't know. I would try it but it doesn't really sound like something I would enjoy.
And in honor of Random Acts of Kindness Day the company is also coming out with a flavor called ‘Happy Tears’ that will be available exclusively on TikTok on February 17th. This flavor is described as Coca-Cola paired with “a splash of salty minerals” Get it? Salty tears? Yeah...that’s kinda weird.
Source: USA Today
Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images News / Getty Images