Baby Owl in My Backyard!

There is a pair of barred owls that live in the woods behind my house. I thought they would move after some new houses were built, but they stuck around, and I'm glad they did! They have been hooting it up for months, my best guess is that was male courting the female. They just a had a baby aka an owlet or nestling!! It's ridiculously cute and fuzzy! Based on the research I've done I estimate is it's about 6 weeks old, give or take, which means it can now eat on it own but still needs food brought to it, and it should be learning to fly soon! Typically, they have 1-5 little ones, but I think one is only child. I asked them if I could take their picture and got some cute ones, I think momma was watching me because she hooted after she saw me out here with my big camera. I invited her over for a family picture, but something tells me she didn't understand because she didn't come over. Lol. Now I'm on mission to subtle capture to some cute moments, and I got one, the little one was falling asleep, they actually laid down on the branch. I thought they slept sitting up but upon further investigating I found out that they will lay down on a branch because the babies heads are too heavy for them to hold up, how precious is that!!

My mom was reading that they are territorial and usually once they pick a location they'll stay there. I really want to build them an owl house to make sure they stay; and we have the perfect pine tree to put it in. By fall the little one will be big enough to go off in his or her own, so we might have to make more than one house. Check out the pics I got

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