Do You Need to Eat Your Spouse's Cooking Even if You Hate it?

Julia wrote in on Facebook about an issue she is having with her husband:

"My husband and I both work, and I come home earlier than him so I wind up being the one to cook dinner, which I’m totally fine with. The problem is, lately he’s been really critical of my cooking. He comes home and complains about what I made and how I made it. And often he drowns the food in ketchup or hot sauce. It’s infuriating. When I told him how disrespectful I thought he was being he just brushed it off. Well, yesterday I decided I was done cooking for him so when he got home there was no dinner waiting for him. He was furious and told me I was being ridiculous, but I think if he doesn’t like my cooking, he can make dinner for himself. Am I wrong? How would you handle it?"

On today's podcast, Doug & Jenn discuss!

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