March Holidays!

Happy National Pancake Day! I know what I'm having for dinner!

March is full of celebrations, for starters, it's National Women's History Month. It's also National Crafting Month / Color Therapy Month, love that! So National Umbrella Month LOL and if you're going to rescue a guinea pig March is the month to do it, so silly, Haha.

Find a reason to celebrate every day!

March 1st:

Mardi Gras

National Pancake Day

National Peanut Butter Lover's Day

World Music Therapy Day

Share a Smile Day

March 2nd:

Dr Seuss's Birthday

International Rescue Cat Day

National Banana Cream Pie Day

National Old Stuff Day

March 3rd:

World Wildlife Day

National If Pets Had Thumbs Day

National I Want You to be Happy Day

March 4th:

World Day of Prayer

National Sons Day

National Safety Day

National Grammar Day

National Pound Cake Day

National Day of Unplugging

March 5th:

National Cheese Doodles Day

National Absinthe Day

March 6th:

National Oreo Cookie Day

National Dress Day

Namesake Day

March 7th:

National Be Heard Day

National Flapjack Day

National Cereal Day

Sock Monkey Day

March 8th:

International Women's Day

National Organize Your Home Office Day

Be Nasty Day lol

March 9th:

National Get Over It Day

National No Smoking Day

National Barbie Day

National Meatball Day

March 10th:

International Day of Awesomeness

Popcorn Lovers Day

National Ranch Day

National Pack Your Lunch Day

March 11th:

National Promposal Day

World Plumbing Day and conveniently also Worship of Tools Day?? Haha

March 12th:

Aztec New Year

International Fanny Pack Day

National Girl Scout Day

National Plant of Flower Day

March 13th:

Smart and Sexy Day

National Good Samaritan Day

National Earmuff Day

National Open and Umbrella Indoors Day, I'm way too superstitious to participate in that, but if you're feeling lucky, go for it.

March 14th:

National Pi Day

National Potato Chip Day

National Napping Day

National Right Your Story Day

March 15th:

World Speech Day

World Contact Day, maybe we'll hear from aliens!

March 16th:

National Vaccination Day

No Selfies Day

National Panda Day

Freedom of Information Day

March 17th:

St. Patrick's Day

National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

Holi, the Hindu Festival of Colors

March 18th:

Global Recycling Day

National Sloppy Joe Day

Awkward Moments Day

March 19th:

National Let's Laugh Day

National Chocolate Caramel Day

National Quilting Day

National Poultry Day

March 20th:

Spring Equinox!

International Day of Happiness

World Storytelling Day

National Proposal Day/ Kiss Your Fiancé Day

World Oral Health Day

March 21st:

National Common Courtesy Day

International Day of Forests

World Poetry Day

National Single Parent Day

National French Bread Day

National Crunchy Taco Day

March 22nd:

World Water Day

National Goof Off Day

As Young as You Feel Day

Daffodil Day

March 23rd:

National Puppy Day

National Chip and Dip Day

World Maths Day

World Meteorological Day

March 24th:

National Cocktail Day

National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

National Cheesesteak Day

March 25th:

Tolkien Reading Day

International Waffle Day

National Medal of Honor Day

March 26th:

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

Live Long and Prosper Day

Wear a Hat Day

National Nougat Day

March 27th:

National Cleaning Week

World Theater Day

Pretzel Sundae

March 28th:

Lady Gaga's Birthday!

Respect Your Cat Day

National Something on a Stick Day

March 29th:

World Piano Day

National Smoke and Mirrors Day

March 30th:

Take a Walk in the Park Day

National Pencil Day

Little Red Wagon Day

World Bipolar Day

National Virtual Vacation Day, kinda of the opposite of taking a walk in the park, but to each their own lol

March 31st:

Transgender Day of Visibility

National Farm Workers Day

National Tater Day

National Crayon Day

World Backup Day, don't lose those important files!

For even more silly dates, check out

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