September is another great month for stargazing. I highly recommend downloading Google sky maps and checking out the constellations in your area. That's one of my favorite things to do.
Coming up this month in September on the 20th we have this month's full moon, the Harvest Moon. It is named such because farmers picking crops late would be guided by the moon's light at night. It officially reaches its peak at 7:54 p.m. but she'll be big and bright in the sky that Monday and Tuesday. I'm looking forward to doing another Crystal cleansing ritual and making myself some Moon water too. Fun fact: a lot of people think that this is the first full moon of fall, but it's actually the last full moon of Summer.
Then a couple of days later we have the autumnal equinox, aka the first day of fall, on September 22nd! If you enjoy it, something pumpkin spice flavor it seems like a must on this day, I might have to have myself a cider or something. I love Fall it's my second favorite season after Summer. I love the feeling in the air, and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the mystical, magical, weird and paranormal. This is such a great time of the year, it's cool but not too cold. I will miss laying out soaking up the sun, though.
Jupiter and Saturn spotted while star gazing.
Some of the other planets in our solar system are visible this month too. I've seen Jupiter and Saturn a couple of times already!
Mercury: August 1 to October 8 (Best seen: evenings, August 31 to September 21)
Venus: March 26 to December 31 (Best seen May 24 to December 31; in the western sky at dusk)
Mars January 1 to October 7 (Best seen: evenings January 1 through August 22)
Jupiter August 20 to December 31 (Best seen: August 20 to December 31 evenings)
Uranus: April 30 to November 3 (Best viewed: May 16 to November 3 mornings)
Neptune: March 27 through September 13 mornings
More night sky info:
Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images