Steph's Long Weekend Adventures.

I hope you had an awesome Labor Day weekend and were able to enjoy the extra day off if you had it.

My weekend was pretty relaxing, I did nothing Friday night except lay on the couch watch TV and eat tater tots. I finally finished watching Cougar Town, with Courtney Cox and Busy Phillips. It's such a cute, funny show, I'll probably watch it again in the future.

And as you know I'm obsessed with community and Daniel Pudi's character Abed on the show makes a cameo on Cougar Town. And I found out some of the other Cougar Town actors were on community as well. The actor that plays Bobby Cobb's on CT also plays Willy, the convict, on Community.

Saturday was my most eventful day, I had work in the morning and then went on a mini beach excursion with my best friend. He just moved, so we were checking out this park near him, and it's on the water. We caught crabs, not the gross kind, the cute but creepy kind, I say that because they sort of look like water spiders, creeeeppyyy, but their faces are adorable.

Insert Beach gallery

Sunday I took a trip to visit my parents at the campground it was my dad and his friend Vinny's birthday this weekend, so they had a little party at the campsite. That was a lot of fun, then I came home and crashed because I was so tired.

I didn't have all of Monday off, I did have to come into work to cover the Morning show on now 93.3, but I love it, so I didn't care that I had to work on a holiday. Also, it seemed very appropriate since I was working on Labor Day, lol

I hope you have an amazing week, and I'll talk to you later on air.

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